Tag Archives: red

My own bridal button bouquet!

As you all know, the reason Cute as a Button got started in the first place is because I saw a button bouquet on the internet and fell in love with it. I decided , to save money, that I would attempt to make my own and the rest is history!

Im glad I had a chance to make other bouquets first. Its given me a chance to perfect my technique and find out what style I wanted for my bouquet. I’ve gone with a 100 stem teardrop bouquet. The teardrop is slightly different to teardrops I’ve done on other bouquets, but I really like it. Its not quite finished I’d like to add! I need to finish the collar and handle but at this present moment I’m not quite sure how I want it.


Every single button in my bouquet was either given to me by friends, friends relatives, relatives of ours, found in antique shops or car boot sales which makes it so more special to me.

We’re going to use it as our table centre piece at the reception.


Wedding Reception Theme Ideas.

Well today I’ve been very hungover and just been chilling out on the sofa, watching Alice in Wonderland with some mates, and I’ve now got so many ideas!!!! I want the dress that the Queen gets made for Alice to wear in the evening!

Isn’t it cute!!!! I need to find one!

Also, while watching it, we thought as we’ve got the idea for the edible flower idea for the table we could get some little, square bottles like the one that says “Drink me” in Alice in Wonderland and fill it with a shot of some kind. (Knowing us, something like Jager!)

We’ve always been settled on having a black, white and red colour scheme. So, as I’ve been so hungover and home alone for a bit, I’ve been having a look on the internet to see if I could find any inspiration. Which I did, lots of!

Here’s some of them:

Im loving the colours and I’ve seen some red shoes that I want. I will also be adding some red detail to the wedding dress but I don’t want to say too much which is killing me! Im crap at keeping secrets! When I was a little drunk last night, I ended up showing my dress to everyone apart from one of the best men and James of course! But they all loved it!!!

Im now off to do some washing up, edit the studio photos and look at wedding cake ideas, which may I add, I’m going to try and do myself!

I will keep you posted!

Big Luv